Nyquist and Emacs / Source Code Research

Festival Speech Synthesizer -- Emacs interface

See: Festival system documentation chapter 11 "Emacs interface"

One easy method of using Festival is via an Emacs interface that allows selection of text regions to be sent to Festival for rendering as speech.

festival.el offers a new minor mode which offers an extra menu (in emacs-19 and 20) with options for saying a selected region, or a whole buffer, as well as various general control functions. To use this you must install festival.el in a directory where Emacs can find it, then add to your .emacs in your home directory the following lines:

(autoload say-minor-mode "festival" "Menu for using Festival." t)
(say-minor-mode t)

Successive calls to say-minor-mode will toggle the minor mode, switching the say menu on and off.

Note that the optional voice selection offered by the language sub-menu is not sensitive to actual voices supported by the your Festival installation. Hand customization is require in the festival.el file. Thus some voices may appear in your menu that your Festival doesnt support and some voices may be supported by your Festival that do not appear in the menu.

When the Emacs Lisp function festival-say-buffer or the menu equivalent is used the Emacs major mode is passed to Festival as the text mode.

File: festival.el

Alan W Black CSTR (awb@cstr.ed.ac.uk) June 1996

Provide an emacs mode for interfacing to the festival speech synthesizer system.

I've looked at many examples from the emacs Lisp directory copying relevant bits from here and there, so this can only reasonably inherit the GNU licence (GPL).

Setup: In your .emacs add the following 2 lines to get a Say menu:

(autoload 'say-minor-mode "festival" "Menu for using Festival." t)
(say-minor-mode t)
(setq auto-mode-alist 
(append '(("\\.festivalrc$" . scheme-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

The following gives you pretty colors in emacs-19 if you are into such things:

;;;  Some colors for scheme mode
(";.*" nil comment)
(hilit-string-find ?\\ string)
("^\\s *(def\\s +" "\\()\\|nil\\)" defun)
("^\\s *(defvar\\s +\\S +" nil decl)
("^\\s *(set\\s +\\S +" nil decl)
("^\\s *(defconst\\s +\\S +" nil define)
("^\\s *(\\(provide\\|require\\).*$" nil include)
("(\\(let\\*?\\|cond\\|if\\|or\\|and\\|map\\(car\\|concat\\)\\|prog[n1*]?\\|while\\|lambda\\|function\\|Parameter\\|set\\([qf]\\|car\\|cdr\\)?\\|nconc\\|eval-when-compile\\|condition-case\\|unwind-protect\\|catch\\|throw\\|error\\)[ \t\n]" 1 keyword)))

Copyright (C) Alan W Black 1996

This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using this code or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless explicitly stated in a written agreement.

Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this code, but only under the conditions described in the GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is distrubuted with GNU Emacs so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

(defvar festival-program-name "festival")
(defvar festival-process nil)
(defvar festival-tmp-file
  (format "/tmp/festival-emacs-tmp-%s" (user-real-login-name))
 "Filename to save input for Festivial.")
(defun festival-fast () 
  (festival-send-command '(Parameter.set 'Duration.Stretch 0.8)))
(defun festival-slow () 
  (festival-send-command '(Parameter.set 'Duration.Stretch 1.2)))
(defun festival-ndur () 
  (festival-send-command '(Parameter.set 'Duration.Stretch 1.0)))
(defun festival-intro () 
  (festival-send-command '(intro)))
(defun festival-gsw () 
  (festival-send-command '(voice_gsw_diphone)))
(defun festival-rab () 
  (festival-send-command '(voice_rab_diphone)))
(defun festival-ked () 
  (festival-send-command '(voice_ked_diphone)))
(defun festival-don () 
  (festival-send-command '(voice_don_diphone)))
(defun festival-welsh () 
  (festival-send-command '(voice_welsh_hl)))
(defun festival-spanish () 
  (festival-send-command '(voice_spanish_el)))
(defun festival-say-string (string)
   "Send string to festival and have it said"
   (interactive "sSay: ")
   (process-send-string festival-process 
			(concat "(SayText " (format "%S" string) ")
(defun festival-send-command (cmd)
   "Send command to festival"
   (interactive "px")
   (process-send-string festival-process (format "%S
" cmd)))
(defun festival-process-status ()
  (if festival-process
      (message (format "Festival process status: %s" 
		       (process-status festival-process)))
    (message (format "Festival process status: NONE"))))
(defun festival-start-process ()
  "Check status of process and start it if necessary"
  (interactive )
  (let ((process-connection-type t))
    (if (and festival-process
	     (eq (process-status festival-process) 'run))
      ;;(festival-kill-festival t)
      (message "Starting new synthesizer process...")
      (sit-for 0)
      (setq festival-process
	    (start-process "festival" (get-buffer-create "*festival*")
(defun festival-kill-process ()
  "Kill festival sub-process"
  (if festival-process
      (kill-process festival-process))
  (setq festival-process nil)
  (message "Festival process killed"))
(defun festival-send-string (string)
  "Send given string to fesitval process."
  (process-send-string festival-process string))
(defun festival-say-region (reg-start reg-end)
  "Send given region to festival for saying.  This saves the region
as a file in /tmp and then tells festival to say that file.  The
major mode is *not* passed as text mode name to Festival."
  (interactive "r")
  (write-region reg-start reg-end festival-tmp-file)
  (festival-send-command (list 'tts festival-tmp-file nil)))
(defun festival-say-buffer ()
  "Send given region to festival for saying.  This saves the region
as a file in /tmp and then tells festival to say that file.  The
major-mode is passed as a text mode to Festival."
  (write-region (point-min) (point-max) festival-tmp-file)
  ;; Because there may by sgml-like sub-files mentioned 
  ;; ensure festival tracks the buffer's default-directory
  (festival-send-command (list 'cd (expand-file-name default-directory)))
  (if (equal "-mode" (substring (format "%S" major-mode) -5 nil))
      (if (equal "sgml" (substring (format "%S" major-mode) 0 -5))
	   (list 'tts festival-tmp-file "sable"))
	 (list 'tts festival-tmp-file 
	       (substring (format "%S" major-mode) 0 -5))))
    (festival-send-command (list 'tts festival-tmp-file nil))))

say-minor-mode provides a menu offering various speech synthesis commands:

(defvar say-minor-mode nil)
(defun say-minor-mode (arg)
  "Toggle say minor mode.
With arg, turn say-minor-mode on iff arg is positive."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq say-minor-mode
	(if (if (null arg) (not say-minor-mode)
	      (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))
(setq say-params-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Pitch/Duration"))
(fset 'say-params-menu (symbol-value 'say-params-menu))
(define-key say-params-menu [say-fast] '("Fast" . festival-fast))
(define-key say-params-menu [say-slow] '("Slow" . festival-slow))
(define-key say-params-menu [say-ndur] '("Normal Dur" . festival-ndur))
(setq say-lang-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Select language"))
(fset 'say-lang-menu (symbol-value 'say-lang-menu))
(define-key say-lang-menu [say-lang-spain1] '("Spanish el" . festival-spanish))
(define-key say-lang-menu [say-lang-welsh1] '("Welsh hl" . festival-welsh))
(define-key say-lang-menu [say-lang-eng3] '("English gsw" . festival-gsw))
(define-key say-lang-menu [say-lang-eng2] '("English don" . festival-don))
(define-key say-lang-menu [say-lang-eng1] '("English rab" . festival-rab))
(define-key say-lang-menu [say-lang-eng1] '("English ked" . festival-ked))
;(define-key say-params-menu [say-set-dur-stretch] 
;  '("Set Duration Stretch" . festival-set-dur-stretch))
;(define-key say-params-menu [say-high] '("High" . festival-high))
;(define-key say-params-menu [say-low] '("Low" . festival-low))
;(define-key say-params-menu [say-npit] '("Normal Pitch" . festival-npit))
;(define-key say-params-menu [say-set-pitch-stretch] 
;  '("Set Pitch Stretch" . festival-set-pitch-stretch))
(setq say-minor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(setq say-menu (make-sparse-keymap "SAY"))
(define-key say-minor-mode-map [menu-bar SAY] (cons "Say" say-menu))
(define-key say-minor-mode-map [menu-bar SAY festival-intro] '("Festival Intro" . festival-intro))
(define-key say-minor-mode-map [menu-bar SAY festival-process-status] '("Festival status" . festival-process-status))
(define-key say-minor-mode-map [menu-bar SAY festival-kill-process] '("Kill Festival" . festival-kill-process))
(define-key say-minor-mode-map [menu-bar SAY festival-start-process] '("(Re)start Festival" . festival-start-process))
;;(define-key say-menu [separator-process] '("--"))
;;(define-key say-menu [params] '("Pitch/Durations" . say-params-menu))
(define-key say-menu [separator-buffers] '("--"))
(define-key say-menu [festival-send-command] '("Festival eval command" . festival-send-command))
(define-key say-menu [say-lang-menu] '("Select language" . say-lang-menu))
(define-key say-menu [festival-say-buffer] '("Say buffer" . festival-say-buffer))
(define-key say-menu [festival-say-region] '("Say region" . festival-say-region))
(setq minor-mode-map-alist
       (cons 'say-minor-mode say-minor-mode-map)
(or (assq 'say-minor-mode minor-mode-alist)
              (setq minor-mode-alist
                    (cons '(say-minor-mode "") minor-mode-alist)))

A FESTIVAL inferior mode (copied from prolog.el):

(defvar inferior-festival-mode-map nil)
(defun inferior-festival-mode ()
  "Major mode for interacting with an inferior FESTIVAL process.

The following commands are available:

Entry to this mode calls the value of `festival-mode-hook' with no arguments,
if that value is non-nil.  Likewise with the value of `comint-mode-hook'.
`festival-mode-hook' is called after `comint-mode-hook'.

You can send text to the inferior FESTIVAL from other buffers
using the commands `send-region', `send-string'

Return at end of buffer sends line as input.
Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it.
\\[comint-kill-input] and \\[backward-kill-word] are kill commands, imitating normal Unix input editing.
\\[comint-interrupt-subjob] interrupts the shell or its current subjob if any.
\\[comint-stop-subjob] stops. \\[comint-quit-subjob] sends quit signal."
  (require 'comint)
  (setq major-mode 'inferior-festival-mode
	mode-name "Inferior FESTIVAL"
	comint-prompt-regexp "^festival> ")
  (if inferior-festival-mode-map nil
    (setq inferior-festival-mode-map (copy-keymap comint-mode-map))
    (festival-mode-commands inferior-festival-mode-map))
  (use-local-map inferior-festivalr-mode-map)
  (run-hooks 'festival-mode-hook))
(defun run-festival ()
  "Run an inferior FESTIVAL process, input and output via buffer *festival*."
  (require 'comint)
  (switch-to-buffer (make-comint "festival" festival-program-name))
(provide 'festival)

Nyquist and Emacs / Source Code Research