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Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xlstr.c


(string-right-trim trim-stuff string)
trim-stuff - a string expression
string - a string expression
returns - a trimed copy of the string


The 'string-right-trim' function takes the 'trim-stuff' characters and removes them from the right end of the 'string'. The 'trim-stuff' characters are an un-ordered set of characters to be removed, so any character that occurs in 'trim-stuff' is removed if it appears in right portion of 'string'. A new string is created and returned as the result of this function.


(string-right-trim "." "....foo....")     ; returns "....foo"
(string-right-trim "<>" "<<<<bar>>>>")    ; returns "<<<<bar"
(string-right-trim "(.)" "..(12.34)..")   ; returns "..(12.34"

Common Lisp: Common LISP also supports a list of characters as a valid 'trim-stuff' argument. An example:

(string-trim '(#\Tab #\Newline) mystring)

XLISP does not support non-string parameters. Porting from XLISP will be no problem, but modifications will be necessary if porting from Common LISP code which uses a list of characters.

See the string-right-trim function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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