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Type:   -   special form (fsubr)
Source:   -   xlcont.c


(unwind-protect protect-form clean-up-form ... )
protect-form - a form that is to be protected
clean-up-form - a sequence forms to execute after protect-form
returns - the value of protect-form


The 'unwind-protect' special form allows the protecting [trapping] of all forms of exit from the 'protect-form'. The exits that are trapped include errors, throw , return and go. The 'clean-up-form' will be executed in all cases, when there is an exit from 'protect-form' and when the form does not have exit. 'unwind-protect' will return the result from the 'protect-form', not from the 'clean-up-forms'. Errors or exits that occur in the 'clean-up-form' are not protected. It is possible to trap these with another 'unwind-protect'.


  (+ 2 2)                           ; protected form
  (print "an exit"))                ; clean up form
                                    ; prints "an exit"
                                    ; returns 4
(setq *breakenable* nil)            ; to turn off break loop traps

  (+ 1 "2")                         ; protected form
  (print "something happened"))     ; clean up form
                                    ; error: bad argument type - "2"
                                    ; prints "something happened"
(catch 'mytag
    (throw 'mytag)                  ; protected form
    (print "an exit")))             ; clean up form
                                    ; prints "an exit"
(setq *breakenable* nil)            ; to turn off break loop traps

  (throw 'notag)                    ; protected form
  (print "an exit"))                ; clean up form
                                    ; error: no target for THROW
                                    ; prints "an exit"
(prog () (print "start")
           (go end)                 ; protected form
           (print "an exit"))       ; clean-up form
    end  (print "end"))             ; prints "start"
                                    ; prints "an exit"
                                    ; prints "end"
(prog () (print "start")
           (return "I'm done")      ; protected form
           (print "but first"))     ; clean-up form
         (print "won't get here"))  ; prints "start"
                                    ; prints "but first"
                                    ; returns "I'm done"

See the unwind-protect special form in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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