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Type:   -   predicate function (subr)
Source:   -   xlstr.c


(both-case-p char)
char - a character expression
returns -  T  if the character is alphabetic, NIL otherwise


The 'both-case-p' predicate function checks if the 'char' expression is an alphabetic character. If 'char' is an alphabetic [either an upper or lower case] character a  T  is returned, otherwise a NIL is returned. Upper case characters are 'A' [ASCII decimal value 65] through 'Z' [ASCII decimal value 90]. Lower case characters are 'a' [ASCII decimal value 97] through 'z' [ASCII decimal value 122].


(both-case-p #\A)   ; returns T
(both-case-p #\a)   ; returns T
(both-case-p #\1)   ; returns NIL
(both-case-p #\[)   ; returns NIL

See the both-case-p predicate function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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