time lenght for wav file - some bug

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with audacity -with file *.wav– I open this file with audacity version1.3.8.0 and after open audacity show all play time– 25 minutes and 34 sec. (i click ctrl + a and it show all time) . I open this same file wav with other player (for example windows media player , cinema player, vlc player and it show –all play time– 25 minutes and 45 sec.

    I take another wav file -i open it with audacity and it show play time – also shorter than all time play in other mediaplayers programs.

    With any another wav file result is this same – any wav file in audacityhave shorter all play time than in other programs –windows media player etc.

    play time in other format - for example*.mp3 is the same like in this audacity,but it always problem with wav file.

    What is problem– how solve it? I have latest codec pack ,I want that audacity show real good time of all play time file, what I must do?

    Sorry for english if was so raw:)

  • Hello,

    I think it's the same Problem you posted here:


    Witam wszystkich,
    Mam taki problem, jest Audacity w wersji i gdy otwieramy plik dźwiękowy *.wav pokazuje długość trwania , 25 minut i 34 sekundy . Otwieram ten sam plik windows media playerem, vlc playerem, cinema playerem i pokazuje czas dłuższy trwania całego pliku - 25 minut i 45 sek . Ze wszystkimi plikami wav jest tak samo – pełny czas trwania w audacity jest krótszy niż w innych odtwarzaczach. Z plikami mp3 nie ma problemu i audacity i inne odtwarzacze pokazują ten sam czas.

    Czemu audacity w tej wersji skraca czas trwania pliku dźwiękowego ? Czy to wina wtyczek? Jak zrobić aby pokazywało realny czas i odtwarzało w realnym czasie? Kodeki mam aktualne.

    Czy wiecie gdzie tkwi problem ?

    Since this is the german forum, in my opinion you will get better help in the international forum. There is a russian sector included, when it's better for you.

    The actual release of Audacity is 2.1.1. ;)

    Pozdrowienia dla Wrocławia